
A Question Of Style, When the Bottle Takes Center Stage

For a super-premium aperitif, every detail matters. Cordusio Aperitivo, much like a high-end fashion brand, places excellence front and center.

How to Create a Super-Premium Aperitif

Creating a super-premium aperitif is much like launching a high-fashion brand, where every element is meticulously crafted, and countless hours are devoted to perfecting a product that embodies luxury and glamour. Cordusio Aperitivo is no exception.

Its inspiration draws from a specific era in Italian history, much like haute couture collections often do: a time when Italy held a central place in the world of taste and style. A period marked by a return to order, craftsmanship, and a deep reverence for national traditions, as Erasmo A. Ciufo, the designer behind Cordusio and founder of the fashion brand Untitled Artworks, explains.

“I love using design to evoke history and revive forgotten visual cultures. Cordusio has a distinct identity that blends Italian design, Milanese lifestyle, and the traditions of the 1920s into a modern, fresh experience. The bottle itself draws inspiration from the visual arts of that era, a time when every artistic expression — from architecture to graphic design — was aimed at elevation, purity, and elegance”.

Cordusio Aperitivo: More Than Just a Bottle

The bottle designed by Erasmo A. Ciufo

The bottle thus becomes a luxury accessory, enriching the aperitif experience. “Its form seeks to capture the essence of an era where refinement and decorum infused every aspect of Italian life, from the public to the private sphere”.

This approach mirrors a trend in mixology, where attention to detail and sensory experience are highly valued. Like creative directors in high tailoring, bartenders recognize the worth of products that merge quality, aesthetics, and storytelling. Their cocktails become a medium through which the brand’s essence is conveyed, curated through seasonal collections, the drink lists. At the center of this scene, the Cordusio Aperitivo emerges, transforming a simple gathering into a moment of sophistication and style.

This article first appeared on Coqtail – for fine drinkers magazine. Order your copy here

Photo by ­­­­­­Camilla Glorioso, marea world