
Direct Martini, a Guide For Experts

“Finding a well-made Direct Martini is practically impossible, if you don’t know where to go”: these are the words of Daniele Poggi, Record Producer by profession, drinker by passion and author, together with Francesco Pelagi, of a guide to the places that serve this drink in the correct way.

Before the two of them, no one had thought of providing specific directions to enthusiasts. For a couple of months now, the gap has been filled thanks to an Instagram page that has become a reference point for the Martini tribe (@directmartini).

The Secrets for a Perfect Direct Martini

The Direct Martini, also called a Naked Martini, «is the most elegant cocktail», says Poggi about this variation on the classic Dry Martini. It’s served directly in the glass, without the use of a mixing glass or ice, which inevitably leads to dilution. It must be very dry (thus requiring little vermouth) and very cold: both gin and glass must be kept in the freezer.

These measures may have already been tried in the first half of the 20th century, but they became firmly established in the 1980s, thanks to the work of Salvatore Calabrese at the Dukes Hotel Bar in London. Hence the evaluation criteria adopted by Poggi and Pelagi in their guide: «The glass must be kept in the freezer, not chilled with ice. Vermouth can be either sprayed or handled with the in-and-out technique — placed on the rim of the glass, swirled around and then removed from the glass — this is how it is done at Dukes. The gin must be kept at a minimum of 22 degrees below zero and served directly in the glass, with the addition of an olive or lemon peel to taste».

Not Just Quality Ingredients

Daniele Poggi, Fuorimano OTBP, photo by Alberto Blasetti – all rights reserved

It goes without saying that the gin and vermouth must be of the highest quality, but the accompanying aspects also count: «With the Direct Martini, the ritual of the preparation, the elegance of the setting, how it is narrated, what music is being played are all important». These are characteristics that determine entry into the Poggi and Pelagi guide, or exclusion from it.

There is no room for negative reviews: if a cocktail does not impress them, the bar will not be mentioned, and all is well. No controversy, no cyber brawls, just indications of where to find the best. There are small exceptions: for example, a couple of out-of-the-way, unknown, spartan-looking establishments, seemingly far from excellence and yet able to surprise with a very respectable Direct Martini. In this case, they made it into the guidebook nonetheless, despite the somewhat unremarkable side elements.

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Photo by Alberto Blasetti, location Fuorimano OTBP, all rights reserved